Our modular, configurable and customisable SpacePole Self-Service and SpacePole self-checkout kiosks are built with Elo’s range of touchscreens and monitors in mind.
SpacePole Self-Service Kiosk - Compatible screens: 15” to 32” (Portrait and landscape)
SpacePole Self-Checkout Kiosk - Compatible screens: 15” to 24” (Portrait and landscape)
We also support the Elo Wallaby and Elo Wallaby Pro kiosk with modular, configurable and customisable solutions:
Accessories for the Wallaby Self-Service Stands and Wallaby Pro: Add payments functionality and other accessories and peripherals to your Elo Wallaby and Wallaby Pro self-service kiosk. We can help you attach virtually any payment device to your Elo kiosk solution and have solutions to support additional scanner, printer, shelves etc.