Ergonomic Solutions employee granted a STARS award for exceptional performance on a recent project

Emil Gyldendal, our Technical Designer has been granted a STARS award for exceptional performance on a recent project.

Emil Gyldendal, our Technical Designer has been granted a STARS award for exceptional performance on a recent project.

One of our Key Account Managers approached Ralph Lambers, our Chief Product Officer, to highlight that Emil has not only delivered several excellent projects but also went above and beyond for a specific customer.

The customer, with a keen eye for inclusivity, sought kiosks designed to accommodate individuals with disabilities. After initial meetings with the customer, our sales team started to open up the conversation about how Ergonomic Solutions can support them with their project.

Emil's response to this was nothing short of exemplary. With meticulous attention to detail, he translated the evolving requirements of the customer into designs that not only met but exceeded expectations.

Emil's commitment to customer satisfaction was evident at every turn. Understanding the importance of timely delivery and cost-effectiveness, he ensured that the customer's priorities remained paramount.

Our sales team then extended an invitation to the customer for a factory tour in Aalborg, Denmark, where Emil presented the customer with a prototype, allowing them to envision their aspirations materialising into reality.

This immersive experience offered the customer a firsthand glimpse into the craftsmanship and innovation that define our operations.

Congratulations to Emil on an excellent job and a well-deserved award.

Emil Gyldendal, Technical Designer (pictured right), receiving his STARS award from Ralph Lambers, Chief Product Officer (pictured left).

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